
To Be Able to Appreciate and Value the Differences

I have just read an article by Liu Yong who stressed the importance of keeping friendship. The point is there are no similarity between two people what more to say of diverse opinions and background. We have to learn to appreciate the beauty of the different opinions and characters of our friends and acquaintances. When we see a friend as an independent person with his or her own likings, dislikes and characters, we should sincerely understand his or her personal peculiarities that form part of oneself. Now we can appreciate the difference, we can allow for the difference in opinion or anything for that matter. Then we would be able to value the individual rights and views so as to maintain a magnanimous attitude for a long lasting friendship.


The Struggle

The struggle of different camps in this world has not yet really ended and it only turns into different spheres and fields outside the battlefields. The capitalist camp represented by USA has now lost out in the most vital field in finance and livelihood of the people. The Americans are not able to solve their financial woes and are now trying to shift their burden to the 3rd world by printing as much US notes as possible as a bankrupt would try to issue dud cheques to cheat his creditors. If the whole world can unite to isolate this cheat then he would soon have to declare bankrupt. Then the most powerful nation of the world would have to face the world court for his illegal acts of robbing the 3rd world people. We may not live to see this happen but the present trend will certainly lead the cheat to his doom sooner or later.


The Hard Reality

Having been enslaved by the capitalists and imperialists for ages, the old socialists should now rise up to the call of Unity and struggle for a new society. The cold reality is that the oldest blood suckers, the American imperialists are now in desperate state both militarily and financially. It just try to brandish around the latest mass destructive weapons trying to scare off the oppressed masses around the globe. She is just printing worthless US dollar notes to save herself for bankruptcy and we all know the cheques she issued would not be honoured. It is time all the oppressed peoples and nations should join hands to force her to declare bankrupt and submit to the humiliation of a pamper. A new and just world order would eventually be born not with any atomic or nuclear weapons but with the will power and unity of the peace loving peoples of the world!


Old Socialists Unite!

It is time that the old socialists and communists should come out from dormant and inactive state into the active and lively life. Most are quite old and some have died of various diseases and old age. There are a few, quite a small number still active and participating in local political party, the opposition of course. But the majority remain quite aloft from the society and live like hermits. You who have risked your lives in the past struggles against the British Colonialists, the Malaysian chauvinists and racialists still have not accomplished your ideal yet. It is time that you should continue your effort to make our country fit for living in honour and dignity. There is no way out for armed struggle but there are ways to stop the corruption and abuse of powers in our country. There are alreay a few pioneers in local opposition parties doing their part in the fight against the racial extremists in BN and I think there is every chance to play your part in this political arena. Now to start with just jump out from the doldrum and get started with you zeal and fire to join the struggle for push down the corrput and rotten BN tree. This calls for each and everyone to contribute to finish off the dying regime! Onward comrades!