
Old Socialists Unite!

It is time that the old socialists and communists should come out from dormant and inactive state into the active and lively life. Most are quite old and some have died of various diseases and old age. There are a few, quite a small number still active and participating in local political party, the opposition of course. But the majority remain quite aloft from the society and live like hermits. You who have risked your lives in the past struggles against the British Colonialists, the Malaysian chauvinists and racialists still have not accomplished your ideal yet. It is time that you should continue your effort to make our country fit for living in honour and dignity. There is no way out for armed struggle but there are ways to stop the corruption and abuse of powers in our country. There are alreay a few pioneers in local opposition parties doing their part in the fight against the racial extremists in BN and I think there is every chance to play your part in this political arena. Now to start with just jump out from the doldrum and get started with you zeal and fire to join the struggle for push down the corrput and rotten BN tree. This calls for each and everyone to contribute to finish off the dying regime! Onward comrades!

